September Issue 2022
Dear Gardeners:
It's been a few years since I have written you. Time has passed on and some of the greatest times linger in the memories of the gardens. I am still planting garden pots and over the years, I mainly stick with Zinnas.
Zinnas are beautiful florals that last all Spring to Autumn months. They bloom in many colors arrays from pinks, oranges, reds, whites, golds and violets. I really had to learn how to plant them. Since I only use pots for planting I produce large buckets that line up my carport porch. I sit and watch butterflies and bees, and I have a friend hummingbird I have named Baby. That little bird sits and looks at me perching and coming very close to me everyday I come outside. But the butterfiles are the big traffic as they flock my Zinnas with feeding pollens. I guess I can almost catch a snapshot of them anytime. But, with Baby well, that little one never stays still for long enough. I just call the name Baby, and he looks for two seconds and flies away.
I hope you have had a beautiful garden, if you are still planting thngs. I don't know if I will do an fall planting. If so I will have to start next year. I reckon? I do have a few tulips already just waiting for next Spring.
It's been real lovely years of growing, We are growing older; and some of us are fast asleep in passing. I wish you a pleasant Indian Summer.
Much Love,
How does your gardens grow?
My grows with lots of Love.
And butterflies.
I will write again.
Posted By: MIISRAEL Bride
Thursday, September 15th 2022 at 3:00PM
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